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3003 FAVORITE HYMNS OF FAITH (Solo Organ) Diane Bish presents an hour of favorite hymns played on the great organs of the world:  "Jesus Shall Reign" & "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" at Ulm Cathedral, Germany; "Come Thou Fount" at Evangelische Church, St. Moritz, Switzerland; "Beautiful Savior" at Stadtkirche, Celle, Germany; "How Firm a Foundation" at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Ft. Lauderdale, FL; "Holy, Holy, Holy" at St. Jacob's Church, Prague; "Edinburgh Hymn" at St. Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh, Scotland; "A Mighty Fortress" at St. Jacobs Church, Stockholm, Sweden; "All Things Bright & Beautiful" at Callaway Gardens, GA; "Ten Thousand Harps & Voices" at St. Pierre Cathedral, Geneva; "Come Ye Thankful People Come" at Pieterskirk, Leiden, Holland; "Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah" at Mathias Church, Budapest; "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" at Calvary Church, Charlotte, NC; "The Church's One Foundation" at Oudekerk, Delft, Holland; "Thine is the Glory" at Town Church of Halle, Germany; "Heavenly Sunlight" at Arosa Chapel, Arosa, Switzerland; "O God Our Help in Ages Past" at St. Bavo Church, Haarlem, Holland; "Come Thou Almighty King" at Innsbruck Cathedral, Innsbruck, Austria; "Old Hundredth" at St. Florian Monastery, Austria; "All Creatures of our God & King" at St. Jan's, Gouda, Holland; "The Spacious Firmament" at Coral Ridge Church, Ft. Lauderdale, FL; "Our Fathers' God to Thee" at Bruton Parish Church, Williamsburg, VA.

3003 DVD FAVORITE HYMNS OF FAITH (Solo Organ) (One Hour)

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