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Programs include:


2007 MUSICAL VISIT TO GALWAY, IRELAND The sights and sounds of the famous city of Galway await you in this delightful musical program.  Diane Bish plays at the 35 year old Galway Cathedral and is joined by an Irish tin whistler!  Selections include:  Federlein’s “Pastorale”, “Tom Billy’s Jig”, “Suile au Chilm”, Bach’s “If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee”, “Reel” and Mulet’s “Tu Es Petra”.

2008 HYMNS & SACRED SONGS OF IRELAND Diane Bish travels to Ireland where she joined by special guests Joy Brown Wiener, Idaho’s Anam Cara Choir and the Palestrina Choir of St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral.  Music includes:  “Vater Unser,” “Holy, Holy, Holy,” “How Firm a Foundation,” “The King of Love My Shepherd Is,” “Veni Creator,” “This Is My Father’s World,” “Faith of Our Fathers,” “Amazing Grace,” and “O God Our Help In Ages Past.”

2009 SIGHTS & SOUNDS OF IRELAND Diane Bish visits the historic cathedrals of Tullamore, Galway and Dublin in this episode featuring the Palestrina Boy Choir of St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Idaho’s concert choir “Anam Cara” and tin-whistler Karina O’Connell.  Musical selections:  Handel’s “March,” and “Sing Unto God,” Dubois’ “Fiat Lux,” Palestrina’s “Sicut Cervus,” “Sing Praise to God” “Air,” Mendelssohn’s “Sonata No. 6—Allegro,” and Pierne’s “Toccata.” 

2010 MUSICAL VISIT TO DUBLIN I Diane Bish travels to Dublin, Ireland in this musical visit featuring music from St. Patrick’s Cathedral.  The chorale ensemble, Anam Cara, joins Diane in song.  Musical selections include: Karg-Elert’s “Praise the Lord,” Bish’s “A New Song,” Dirkop’s “Concerto in D—Allegro,” Clarke’s “O Sacrum Convivium” “Praise My Soul the King of Heaven,” “Heavenly Sunlight” and Fletcher’s “Toccata.”

2011 MUSICAL VISIT TO DUBLIN II Diane Bish and her guest, Joy Brown Wiener, present melodies and songs from St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral in this musical visit to Dublin.  Selections include:  “Sing Praise to God,” “How Firm A Foundation” Boellmann’s “Gothique Suite—Introduction,” de Severac’s “Tantum Ergo,” Whitworth’s “The King of Love My Shepherd Is,” Mendelssohn’s “Sonata No.6—Allegro,” Kreisler’s “Londonderry Air” and “Veni Creator”—sung by the cathedral’s Palestrina Boy Choir.



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